Blog: Tips for the security of your future!
5.4.2021 | Work life

During the pandemic I have realized that the bigger the challenges you face the harder you have to work. We BBA-students have an advantage behind us meaning that we can choose from a wide range of tasks in the field that suit us and correspond to our studies. The member survey also showed that it is the wide-ranging job opportunities that attract the most graduates in the bachelor's degree. That is why it can be stated: if a door to working life closes behind us, there are already more open ones in front of us.
I've found over the years that many acquaintances of mine in the BBA-field are uncertain about their own future. Some others have their thoughts five years in the future. It is a good thing, because it’s important to think about your own future in advance and also prepare for challenges if necessary. What advice would you want if you wanted to secure your own future already for working life and after graduation? Below I have listed a few pointers on how you can utilize services provided by Students of Business and Technology for your own career progress!
For those who are working, have a new job or are about to graduate, the Black membership of Students of Business and Technology is a must! If there is one advice I would have liked to have in my first year of studying, it’s that I should have applied to be a Black member of Students of Business and Technology. This level of membership includes unemployment security, which can be accumulated in the KOKO fund already during your studies! You will thank yourself when graduating! A fulfilled employment condition entitles you to a higher earnings-related daily allowance after graduation if you become unemployed. Note however that Black membership requires that you are employed at the moment!
Career and wellness coaching are your support in situations where you are looking for direction or need support with coping and wellbeing at work! In career coaching, you get support for your own career choices and also a professional perspective for example to the contents of your CV and LinkedIn profile. Occupational well-being services are provided for work coping as well as personal work ability training. Both services are tailored exactly to your needs!
Legal protection for BBA-students is an unique advantage: you have access to preventive employment counseling and protection to cover any employment-related litigation. The longer you are a member, the bigger the amount that you will be reimbursed with!
As a Black member, you also have access to all the other top benefits that belong to the Gold and Silver levels. The Cashback benefit, on the other hand, refunds the membership fees you paid as a student when you join as a full member.
Now, during the Black Weeks campaign, we will be highlighting the benefits of Black membership. So you should follow Students of Business and Technology on Instagram and Facebook! Along with the campaign, we are also raising our BBA identity a bit: for example during the next two weeks you can buy a business graduate cap with a 10€ discount!
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