The bureau's May Day greeting


The color brilliance of overalls, the spectrum of caps and the sea of balloons color the cityscape. What else could it be about, but the students' crowning celebration! Vappu is known to never end, but as May approaches, students wake up with a new zest for student life.

May Day is originally a workers' holiday, and some may criticize why it has become its own holiday for students. May Day, however, marks the end of winter and spring study work, when there is indeed reason to celebrate. And the students are also the creators of the future, although some of them already work hard in addition to their studies to get a sufficient level of income.


Students all over Finland have numerous May Day traditions; crowning and washing of statues, May Day parades, speeches, picnics and events ranging from sitsit to bingo. It is heartwarming to see how rich in ideas our local associations are with their own events. Various events guarantee that there is something for every student. There are also variants for alcohol-free students, even during May Day.

What makes May Day especially great is when you see the community spirit of our students. Community spirit covers both doing and being together as well as significant relationships and belonging. In parks and markets, students gather with their peers and proudly wear their own overalls and our caps on their heads. During your studies, you create a lot of important relationships that will last you a lifetime. May Day or Vappu, is also the time when we get together and maybe remember the previous years of study and how time has gone by so quickly. Alumni are also waking up from their hibernation and may be seen reminiscing about the good old days.

One of our Union's May Day traditions is that we make our own badge every year, which this year is decorated with the colors familiar from the Union's communication. Brands are distributed all over Finland to decorate overalls, many of which already have a color straight for several years.


We now want to wish everyone a wonderful May Day and the end of spring. Cheers to the last spring study assignments - summer is already looming on the horizon! And even though May Day really ends sometimes, that doesn't stop anyone from enjoying the best student life there is!