Greetings from the new chairperson
22.11.2021 | Work life
Hi I am Eppu Åberg and I was elected as the chairperson of Students of Business and Technology for the 2022 term! I have worked with student influencing since 2019 and in my final year of studies I want to do my best to develop this amazing community.
The coming term will be strongly focused on the world after the worst part of the pandemic. This means much more contact with our local associations and interest groups, which are things I really look forward to. My own personal goal for next year is to develop the advocacy and effectiveness of Students of Business and Technology by strongly utilizing our interest groups!
We also get to meet face to face with the new board much more often and we saw each other for the first time last weekend! During the weekend, new board members were able to train under the resigning board members for their new responsibilities and other important activities. There was a lot to learn, but it was great to see how thirsty for new information our new board is! Of course, we also remembered to get together and have fun with the new group, for example, with sauna and karaoke.
An inaugural meeting was also held over the weekend to decide on the project and regional responsibilities of the new board.
The Board was organized as follows:

Eppu Åberg – Chairperson
Aaro Huttula – Vice Chairperson - PORA ry, VATO ry, WsTf sf, Trade ry, RLO Kilta ry
Eeva Määttä – Promotion of interest - HePo ry, Hattara ry, HanSe SF
Niko Posio – Promotion of interest - Trombi ry, Jenkins, ry, LATO ry
Oona Akkanen – Members - Talko ry, Sture ry, Atkins ry
Nuuti Pulkkinen – Members - KuoTra ry, MTO ry, Joensuun Kilta ry
Laura Santala - Tradenologia and events - OUTO ry, TOKKO ry, ROTTA ry, KAATO ry, PeriKATO ry
Timo Typpö – Advocacy communications - Linkki ry, LapTOP ry, Klato ry
Ida von Boehm – Communications - Konkurssi ry, TTO ry, SULKA ry, HÄTÄ ry
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