Changes in the board of the Students of Business and Technology
At its 7/2023 meeting, the board of the Students of Business and Technology has granted resignation to the board member Samuli Mustonen on the 13th of June. The resignation was carried out at Mustonen's request due to personal reasons.
The composition of the board for the end of 2023 is the chairperson, vice-chairperson and six (6) board members. The division of the project and regional responsibilities of the resigned board member was carried out in the following way;
Regional responsibility (Central Finland):
HÄTÄ ry and TTO ry: Jesse Koivukoski
Konkurssi ry and SULKA ry: Kaisa Manner
Project responsibility:
Tradenologia and member events: Laura Santala
Other responsibilities remain unchanged. More detailed project and regional responsibilities can be read in the board's contact information page.
More information:
Annika Väänänen
chair of the board
tel. 0442835679