"YAMK" or "maisteri (AMK)"?

28.1.2025 | Work life

Next year marks 20 years since master's degrees from universities of applied sciences, known in Finnish by the abbreviation YAMK, have been offered in Finland; however, awareness among the general public is still quite low. In spite of this, the degree has been successful while flying under the radar, as most of those who have completed a YAMK MBA degree or are currently enrolled in a YAMK MBA program believe that the degree will not only increase their competence but also promote career advancement.

According to a recent survey, half of the members of Professionals of Business and Technology and approximately 70% of employers characterize the reputation of the YAMK MBA degree as "somewhat good" or better in the job market. Labor market researcher Joonas Miettinen from Professionals of Business and Technology believes that the degree has a fairly good or neutral reputation. The survey on the reputation of the degree also highlighted that there are plenty of problems related to general awareness of the degree.

"A significant proportion of the respondents were not even able to express an opinion on the degree's reputation in working life,” Miettinen points out.

Commissioned by Professionals of Business and Technology, Aula Research first conducted a survey on the awareness of the YAMK degree a year ago by asking employers about their views on the degree. In the most recent survey, similar questions were asked of the members of Professionals of Business and Technology, as well as the general public.

According to Joonas Miettinen, the results of the study are not surprising: The challenge concerning awareness of the YAMK degree is a recognized problem even among BBA degree holders.

"Among our members, only about half know the degree well, and half only know it partly or by name. Among employers, only about one in three know the degree well," Miettinen says.

Changing the Finnish degree title would bring clarity

What should be done to improve the situation? At least changing the Finnish degree title could clarify things and increase awareness. There is already a proposal for the new Finnish degree title: "maisteri (AMK)". According to survey results, attitudes towards the "maisteri (AMK)" degree title are positive among a majority of the members of Professionals of Business and Technology, and a majority of the general public. The current Finnish degree title is perceived as unclear by approximately half of the members of Professionals of Business and Technology, the general public and employers.

Changing the Finnish degree title to 'maisteri (AMK)' is a long-term objective of Professionals of Business and Technology.

Perhaps the most sobering observation in the survey is that a vast majority (70%) of the members of Professionals of Business and Technology who have completed a YAMK degree do not think that the current degree title is clear and descriptive. Senior Specialist Tuomas Meriniemi from Professionals of Business and Technology believes that the best way to increase the awareness and recognition of the YAMK degree is to change the Finnish degree title.

"Changing the Finnish degree title to 'maisteri (AMK)' is a long-term objective of Professionals of Business and Technology. As a matter of fact, this degree title is already quite widely used in everyday language and at various workplaces," Meriniemi notes.

Attitudes towards changing the Finnish degree title are the most positive among those who have completed a YAMK degree and the most negative among those who have completed a university degree. Among those who have a degree from a university (as opposed to a university of applied sciences), approximately 60% have a negative stance towards changing the degree title, while about 40% have a positive stance.

Recognizability increases interest

In the international arena, vocational second-cycle degrees are primarily master’s degrees, and the YAMK degree is translated as "Master of Business Administration" in English. According to Miettinen and Meriniemi, the Finnish degree title "Maisteri (AMK)" has passed the test.

“Interest in the degree and obtaining it would also increase if the degree title were to become more recognizable,” Meriniemi adds.

"The YAMK degree corresponds in level to a master's degree from a university, and provides equivalent qualifications," Meriniemi points out. It is not possible to enroll in a YAMK degree program without two years of work experience. Meriniemi is in favor of keeping this requirement in place:

“The work experience requirement ensures that the degree is oriented towards the needs of working life and responds to the changing competence requirements in working life,” Meriniemi says. He adds that 10 years typically pass between a person completing a BBA degree and taking a YAMK degree.

A YAMK degree is a good tool for change management

Riitta Konkola, Rector of Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, believes that there is still a lot of room for improvement when it comes to taking advantage of the skills and capabilities of BBA degree holders, and a YAMK master's degree is one of the key tools in that effort.

"BBA degree holders often work in a relationship with some other field, or they have general competence that other industries can benefit from. BBA degree holders' business and leadership competencies are examples of this.

Konkola believes that multidisciplinary expertise will remain very important: for example, business competence in the health care sector will continue to be a key theme in the years to come.

"It is also positive that YAMK degrees are often flexible programs: they include online studies, in-person instruction and combinations of these. This makes it easier to complete the degree while continuing to work, and studying for a YAMK degree is possible for people in different life stages.

Opportunities for further education and training for YAMK degree holders

What about further education and training opportunities for YAMK degree holders? How far are they from a doctorate? Konkola mentions the professional doctorate model, which corresponds in level and requirements to the better-known PhD degree.

"The idea behind professional doctorate programs is based on research and development that focuses on practical challenges that arise within organizations.

The prerequisite for the doctoral education model is that the workplace is committed to it," says Konkola. "We need a tripartite approach involving the student, guidance from the workplace and instructors from the school."

Tuomas Meriniemi emphasizes that there must be a genuine opportunity to continue one's studies, all the way to a doctorate, after completing a YAMK degree, if the student has the motivation for it.

"The path to doctoral studies must be clear and functional. That is not currently the case, even if the opportunity does exist," Meriniemi notes.

Completing a YAMK degree indicates a willingness to learn new things

BBA and YAMK degree holders are very well represented in the banking sector. HR Nordic Lead Riikka Ristola is in charge of Danske Bank's HR functions in Finland. Her view is that completing a YAMK degree sends a clear signal to the recruiter:

“If a BBA degree holder has been in working life for a couple of years and then completes a YAMK degree, I believe it indicates that the person is willing to learn new things and develop themselves,” Ristola says.

According to Ristola, the banking sector is happy to work together with universities of applied sciences, as it is becoming increasingly challenging to anticipate different competence needs.

"We want to engage in dialogue with universities of applied sciences, because everything is changing at a rapid pace,” Ristola points out, referring to the emergence of artificial intelligence and automation in working life, for example.

Danske Bank has just under 1,800 employees in Finland, and they have a wide range of job descriptions: the bank needs specialists to work at the customer interface, develop processes and facilitate the adoption of new technology.

"Learning is a continuous process, so I really like the idea behind the YAMK degree: one’s competence can and should be deepened and developed in many different ways,” she concludes.

How do the respondents expect a YAMK degree to affect their careers?

  • Their own competence increases (69%)
  • Their job description in their current role develops or they can apply for a more demanding position (60%)
  • Makes it easier to change jobs (53%)
  • Leads to a better salary (47%)
  • Leads to more responsibility at work (37%)
  • Allows them to work as a supervisor or manager (35%)

The respondents included people who have already completed a YAMK degree, are currently studying for a YAMK degree, or are considering enrollment in a YAMK degree program.

Commissioned by Professionals of Business and Technology, Aula Research conducted a survey in early 2024 to assess awareness of the YAMK degree among the union's members and the general public. The data was collected between March 11 and May 1, 2024. The study is a follow-up to a previous survey conducted in 2023, which surveyed employers’ views on YAMK master's degrees in business administration.

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Read more about YAMK degrees (master’s degrees in universities of applied sciences) at Opintopolku.

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